The Port of Gaza is a port on the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Gaza.
In antiquity, Gaza was the principal port city on the Mediterranean that served the Incense Road. It was originally known as "Maioumas," which is linked to a licentious pagan festival.[1][2][3] The Port of Gaza was at the end of the Nabataean spice road. Where trade with the West in herbs, spices incense, drapery, glass and food on the backs of camels came from Southern Arabia (the Kingdom of Sheba) through Petra, the Arava Valley and crossing Negev Desert via Avdat and ending at the port of Gaza for dispatched to the European markets.[4][5]Alexander Jannaeus' conquest of Gaza (99 BCE) that denied the Nabateans access to the port and trade with Rome led to Obodas launching a military campaign against the Hasmonean King. The destruction of the Hasmonean army in the Golan Heights precipitated a decline in Hasmonean fortunes.[6] Gaza Port was rebuilt after it was incorporated into the Roman Empire in 63 BCE under the command of Pompey Magnus and trade routes were reopened.[7]
The Port of Gaza is located in the Rimal district of Gaza. Before World War I, it was a busy port. [8] It is home to the Palestinian Naval Police force.[9] In 2007, after the election of Hamas, Israel imposed a naval blockade. Restrictions were tightened after Hamas took full control.[10] Several attempts to break the Israeli blockade were made.[11] Israel has prevented most ships from docking at the port of Gaza, but has allowed at least two boats, carrying activists and some supplies to reach the port. [12] An Iranian ship sailing from Bandar Abbas to the port of Gaza, with humanitarian aid, was diverted during the 2008–2009 Israel–Gaza conflict.[13]
In 2005, Israel approved Palestinian plans to rebuild and complete the Port of Gaza, which was destroyed by Israeli forces following the outbreak of the Second Intifada. Some academics have argued that a port which is under full Palestinian control is an essential step to achieving a lasting peace between Israel and a future Palestinian state.[14] [15]